mercredi 16 janvier 2013


Firstly, I wish you all a very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year =j I hope you've all jumped into 2013 with a zest and zeal like no other year! I can't wait to see the wonders twenty-thirteen have to unravel.

Wow! It's been 5 wholesome months since I last wrote to you, cyber-system. To say the least things have definately been under construction work in my life. I guess that's a give-in though, because it seems everytime I write here (with light hehe) things have drastically changed. I guess that's in my nature - all or nothing baby ! Haha it's horrible blessing meets excellent curse. So dear friends, who I sometimes wonder are real, let me begin to explain.

August through to November really went as a blurr. Amongst all the crazy and tame I guess I can walk out alive being so grateful for amazing, beautiful soul sisters and brothers! In November I decided to pack up my things and shack on over to the wonderful Australia. I've been here for 5 weeks now. Time is such a butterfly - flittering in and around the wavelengths of our lives, often going un-noticed in the noise. The first few weeks over here were a challenge and a half. I havn't lived with my family for years, so being a go-getting jet-setting 20 year-old back under parental-supervision didn't make the best melange. After getting over myself  bit, I soon became very grateful for the full-cooked dinners and rent-free living arangements very quickly.

I started exploring week 2 and 3 and found myself camping most days in this wonderland of a town called Freo. I guess you could say it's where all the hippies groove out, so I've found myself very at home! I spend most of my hours at the beach; writing musicand in the waves. I believe that this is essencial for every mad-man's recovery/ best way to enjoy the summer. Since being over here I have made some crazy-cool friends with common interests! Although I miss everyone back home tonnes, I am loving life here - the five weeks I've lasted so far - and it can only get better. I start uni soon which I'm stoked about! 1 more year of essay-slavery left to endure, until freedom will be at my fingertips. I can taste it! Weeeee heeeeee ! Okay this novel has gone on for long enough

Until the next time my beauties


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