samedi 11 mai 2013

The intricacies of the intrepid

The 5-month marks seems to be my quota. The only sense of time measurement of my life (and for this thought page) seems to come in bundles of 5. I can receive that! Australia has panned out to be semi-nostalgic, in the sort of way you try to avoid when it seems only the suppressed thoughts want arise and be dealt with. Life has been a little less zesty, it appears, since the last post, but sometimes it's healthy to dabble into the sticky side of your emotions! I do. I miss the ever-bipolar weathers of home, and can't seem to settle in between the blistering heat or glorious storms over here. There is one thing I just cannot deny however, this time has helped me to reconcile with my inner spirit woman. I've sort of been in between spirirtual allignment - there's just so much out there, so many theories, and beliefs and concepts and doctrines that I've found myself swimming through their intricacies. It's funny how in times of utter desperation and lonliness though, you find what you are looking for. Or rather, it waits to find you.

Pond da replay (haha) Sorry about the pun.. ponder replay.
Love you guys xx

mercredi 16 janvier 2013

Building a building

When I listen to this song, something changes. His voice actually transports you to an inward adventure, almost opening windows within your soul. Patrick Watson is a rayon du soleil.  Let this move you




Firstly, I wish you all a very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year =j I hope you've all jumped into 2013 with a zest and zeal like no other year! I can't wait to see the wonders twenty-thirteen have to unravel.

Wow! It's been 5 wholesome months since I last wrote to you, cyber-system. To say the least things have definately been under construction work in my life. I guess that's a give-in though, because it seems everytime I write here (with light hehe) things have drastically changed. I guess that's in my nature - all or nothing baby ! Haha it's horrible blessing meets excellent curse. So dear friends, who I sometimes wonder are real, let me begin to explain.

August through to November really went as a blurr. Amongst all the crazy and tame I guess I can walk out alive being so grateful for amazing, beautiful soul sisters and brothers! In November I decided to pack up my things and shack on over to the wonderful Australia. I've been here for 5 weeks now. Time is such a butterfly - flittering in and around the wavelengths of our lives, often going un-noticed in the noise. The first few weeks over here were a challenge and a half. I havn't lived with my family for years, so being a go-getting jet-setting 20 year-old back under parental-supervision didn't make the best melange. After getting over myself  bit, I soon became very grateful for the full-cooked dinners and rent-free living arangements very quickly.

I started exploring week 2 and 3 and found myself camping most days in this wonderland of a town called Freo. I guess you could say it's where all the hippies groove out, so I've found myself very at home! I spend most of my hours at the beach; writing musicand in the waves. I believe that this is essencial for every mad-man's recovery/ best way to enjoy the summer. Since being over here I have made some crazy-cool friends with common interests! Although I miss everyone back home tonnes, I am loving life here - the five weeks I've lasted so far - and it can only get better. I start uni soon which I'm stoked about! 1 more year of essay-slavery left to endure, until freedom will be at my fingertips. I can taste it! Weeeee heeeeee ! Okay this novel has gone on for long enough

Until the next time my beauties
